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Auto Industry Update: Risk is Increasing

Auto Industry Update: Risk is Increasing

The auto industry is a big part of our economy here in Tennessee and in the southeastern US in general. and there have been some developments that aren't necessarily new but a lot of people don't seem to be aware of them so this is an update on the auto industry. For...

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Boulders in Your Cashflow

Boulders in Your Cashflow

During a recent hiking trip, I crossed a stream that was full of huge boulders (see the photo). The boulders were the size of my house! As I crossed the stream, I realized that business cashflow is like the stream... when it flows without interruption, everything is...

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Coping with Tariffs

Coping with Tariffs

International business has become more risky in recent months as tariffs have impacted companies in many industries. Buying and selling between the US, China, India and other countries has gotten more expensive and in some cases is causing business owners and...

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Will Credit Insurance Cover Foreign Accounts?

Will Credit Insurance Cover Foreign Accounts?

Can credit insurance cover foreign accounts or only domestic? I recently wrote about how coverage decisions are made (How Credit Insurance Coverage Decisions Are Made), but what if your customer is outside the US? Can those sales be protected too? Why insure foreign...

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Are you protected from “Black Swans”?

Are you protected from “Black Swans”?

An article in CFO Magazine caught my eye recently. It describes how companies are usually unprotected against "Black Swans"... risks that rarely happen but cause extreme pain when they do. Nothing is more true than with large credit exposures in business. "There’s...

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11 Hidden Business Traps Revealed

Many business leaders aren't aware that these "danger zones" could cripple their company. Enter your email below to receive a brief, 11-point white paper that reveals these hidden pitfalls.

Great choice! Watch your inbox for business-building tips and strategies...

Cement Your Status as a Trusted Advisor

Cement Your Status as a Trusted Advisor

Get your FREE guide and email series that reveals how your clients can protect themselves from economic downturns while expanding access to working capital so they can thrive.

Excellent choice! Please check your email for your FREE guide, and keep an eye out for the email series on how to add value to your clients so they stick around for the long-term.

11 Hidden Business Traps Revealed

Many business leaders aren't aware that these "danger zones" could cripple their company. Enter your email below to receive a brief, 11-point white paper that reveals these hidden pitfalls.

Great choice! Watch your inbox for business-building tips and strategies...