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How Credit Insurance Coverage Decisions are Made

How Credit Insurance Coverage Decisions are Made

When considering a credit insurance policy, everyone needs to understand how coverage decisions are made by the insurance company. After all, approving coverage (protection) of your customer accounts is why companies use credit insurance in the first place. A coverage...

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What if your largest customer filed bankruptcy?

What if your largest customer filed bankruptcy?

If your largest customer filed bankruptcy, what would it do to your business? Force YOU into bankruptcy? Drain your profits for the year? Keep you from paying your suppliers or making payroll? Make you take on debt to stay afloat? Hear a quick story about my client...

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Get Safely Off the Beach: Lessons from D-Day

Get Safely Off the Beach: Lessons from D-Day

On D-Day, June 6, 1944, as the American troops embarked on landing craft toward Hitler's Atlantic Wall and the invasion of Europe, a sergeant in one of the boats said to his troops, "Men, we're going into combat and casualties are expected. In fact, 2 out of every 3...

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11 Hidden Business Traps Revealed

Many business leaders aren't aware that these "danger zones" could cripple their company. Enter your email below to receive a brief, 11-point white paper that reveals these hidden pitfalls.

Great choice! Watch your inbox for business-building tips and strategies...

Cement Your Status as a Trusted Advisor

Cement Your Status as a Trusted Advisor

Get your FREE guide and email series that reveals how your clients can protect themselves from economic downturns while expanding access to working capital so they can thrive.

Excellent choice! Please check your email for your FREE guide, and keep an eye out for the email series on how to add value to your clients so they stick around for the long-term.

11 Hidden Business Traps Revealed

Many business leaders aren't aware that these "danger zones" could cripple their company. Enter your email below to receive a brief, 11-point white paper that reveals these hidden pitfalls.

Great choice! Watch your inbox for business-building tips and strategies...